Monday, February 22, 2016

An extensive Look into Anew Skincare

Over the next couple weeks I am going take a deep look into the Avon line of skincare products, Anew. To start I am going to cover the basics of skin care and a skin care regimen. As any women on this planet can attest to skin care can be very overwhelming so I am going to try break skin care down to the basics. First things first, skin type. Do you know yours? There are four skin types: Normal, Dry, Combination Oily. Normal skin is clear in appearance,has even coloring, isn't tight or greasy, soft and supple and has strong elasticity. Dry skin can become irritated and tight after cleansing, often looks flaky and tends to show fine lines and wrinkles early. Combination skin, the most common skin type will show dryness on cheeks and will appear shiny in the T-zone area (nose and forehead), this skin type will have medium size pores and may also feel or appear tight. The last of the skin types is the oily skin, this skin type has large pores with a shiny appearance, rough feeling and is the most prone to blackheads and blemishes. So do you have an idea of what skin type you may be? If not try the tissue test. Step 1: Wash your face with a regular mild face soap, let dry for 15 minutes. Step 2: Place a piece of tissue on your cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. Step 3: The results. If your tissue all immediately falls off you have dry skin. If the tissue sticks in the T-Zone only you have combination skin. If the tissue stay all over your face you have oily skin. If the tissue sticks for a little bit and then falls off all over then you have a normal skin type. So know we know our skin type lets learn a bit about top skin concerns. These are the things that worry women abou their skin and these are all things that a great skin care regimen can handle. The top six concerns are: dull and uneven skin, fine lines, loss of firmness, sensitivity, dehydration and rough spots. All these concerns can be seen together or in any combination possible so have a Skin Care Advisor, like an Avon Independent Sales Representative can be invaluable in finding a skin care regemin that works for you. So know that we know what skin type we have and have identified the top skin concerns, what is a skin care regimen? Well, it is essentially a skin care plan. Steps that you should take to treat and prevent skin concerns. Ideally a skin care regemin is done daily in the morning and evening. So what do we do?? Step 1: Cleanse. This will remove oil, debris and makeup. Wash with your Anew cleanser and rinse with warm water. Step 2: Treat. This is the step that will treat targeted skin concerns, from fine lines to dark spots this stage is where you apply a targeted treatment to specific skin areas. Step 3: Moisturize. Apply an SPF moisturizer for your day regimen to protect against damaging sun damage and a night cream to repair. Apply Anew moisturizer using small circular movements. Step 4: Eye Treatment. Lastly apply a targeted eye treatment to correct the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, sagging, crows feet and fine lines. Apply cream at the inner corner and move outward, then above and below the brow. So there it is, a novel of skin care condensed down to a few paragraphs. Of course this does not cover all the skin concerns and facts you will ever need but it does get you started on the right path to your most beautiful skin. Be sure to head over to my Avon eStore to find out even more about the Anew Skincare line of products and take the Skin Advisor quiz to learn even more about your skin and treatments available at Avon. Stay tuned for the next post on each specific skin care line by Anew to find out what Anew line of products is perfect for your skin!

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