Sunday, March 27, 2016

Do you make money selling Avon?

I get asked this question a lot as an Avon Representative and I feel the need to be honest every single time, yes you CAN! As an Avon Representative you can make a substantial income running and building an Avon business but just like anything else you do it takes work and time. You can expect as a new representative to spent a good amount of time learning our program and products but you can also expect to learn at your speed, the amount of time you put in will dictate your earnings, period. I decided that Avon was the company for me because I did not want to give up the luxury of watching my kids grow up and I needed to contribute to our household income and so I began looking for opportunities to do both, Avon fit my lifestyle perfectly. I have five kids the youngest of which is two and I am definitely a helicopter mom in the sense that you can expect to see me at PTA meetings, band performances, Cub Scout meetings, games, recitals, everything. I knew I wasn't ready to give this all up so I found a way to make this work. I spend my days at my children's school with my toddler volunteering or leading meetings and I am able to fit Avon customer meetings in between, at night I blog, market and run my Avon business from my living room. This works for me, and I couldn't be happier. So how does it work? As an Avon Representative I sell out of Avon brochures, I do not have to bother with pricing, sales, etc, Avon does the leg work and I have a new brochure every two weeks to stay current with trends and seasons. I hand these out all over, and wait. Wait for people to text, email, call, Facebook, smoke signal whatever and place an order for their favorite classic Avon products or something new and on trend they have to have. Easy enough, I then submit my order to Avon and receive my discount, keep the difference as my earnings and voila a business is born. When my order comes in two days later I deliver to a happy customer and hand them a new catalog to peruse. Of course not every customer will order in every brochure so I make sure that every two weeks I am finding new Avon customers by dropping books anywhere I might find a new customer, check out my post on places to leave brochures for a huge list of possibilities but for the most part I drop them any place that I am already. Doctors office, coffee shops, ATMS, etc, I don't ever really need to go out and spend the day dropping books, I find as a mom I tend to be in most of the places I need to organically. Sure I could order 200 brochures and drop them at every possible business in town and probably grow my business to a huge money maker in a week but for me it is all about balance and I don't want to spend that much personal energy and time doing that, so it grows with me. As my business evolves I find new and interesting ways to grow, I have contacts at my kids school, on Facebook, Flea Markets, and they all know I sell so if someone is looking for an Avon Representative my customers let me know. Currently I am looking to build my Avon eStore sales and so I am focusing on social media marketing, building email contacts and directing personal face to face sales to my eStore, when this portion of my business is up and functioning where I want it to be I will probably lay low for a bit and evavluate what I would like to do next. The long and short of it is that Avon works for me and may very well work for you but you have to invenst your time and enjoy it, an unhappy business person does not encourage sales and relationships, so I will stay with Avon as long as it is contributing to my household and I am happy to do it, it doesn't feel like work but it works like work so for me its a perfect fit. If you think this may work for you, please shoot me an email and I am happy to answer questions, if it is not right for you that's ok too. I am in business for a company I love so while I wish all women would sell Avon I understand it may not be right for everyone and that's ok. 99% of the time I find that women are either customers or potential representatives so I am happy to answer any and all questions either way. Feel free to head over to my personal site and read up on the Avon Opportunity or email me directly and see if the Avon Opportunity is right for you!

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