Friday, February 12, 2016

Anew Skincare

Anew Skincare

Thursday, February 04 2016
Hello to all my happy Avon customers. Over the past week I have been doing some skin care training and I just had to share some of the insight I have received from this training. As an Independent Sales Representative for Avon and a Team Leader I feel it is my responsibility to make sure that my customers and fellow Representatives have all the knowledge they need to make educated purchases and sales. One of the areas of beauty care that is ever evolving is skin care. It seems almost everyday we learn about our skin and develop products that help us win the battle for great skin. I will share with you the top 6 concerns women have with their skin and I am sure you will find an area you can relate to. Our customers reported the top concerns to be dull and uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, loss of firmness and deep wrinkles, sensitivity, dehydration and rough spots or discoloration. I am certain that most women can relate to at least one of these concerns and they may vary throughout the year and change as you get older. So what to do?? Well as an Avon customer you have two of the greatest tools you need to get great skin....Avon products and your personal Avon Independent Sales Representative. All the great product in the world will not help if you are not sure when, where and how to use it! Avon Representatives that are Skin Care Specialists are a fantastic resource for Avon customers. We can not only let you know what skin concerns we observe but we can also get you started with a skin care regimen that is easy, simple and effective. Avon Representatives have access to various skin care tools that can assist in evaluating and treating skin concerns, because skin care is such a major part of our beauty regimen I ask all my customers to meet with me for a skin care consultation. I figure I cannot sell makeup to a customer that is having skin care concerns as they cannot reach their beautiful potential with makeup if they are not happy with the health of their skin underneath. So if this has got you thinking about your personal skincare, please get a hold of me today to schedule a skin care meeting so we can discuss your concerns and find products that get you to your best beautiful! As always thanks for being a great customer and Happy Shopping!!

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